Passionate about saving North Atlantic Right Whales. Join us in spreading awareness to ensure their survival and thriving in their natural habitats.

Our Background

Passion for Conservation

March 2021


Years of Advocacy

Since 2023

Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission and Clearwater Marine Aquarium. Taken under NOAA Permit #26919.

NOAA Fisheries/Christin Khan



From NOAA Fisheries we get an overview of what's going on with the declining numbers for the North Atlantic Right Whale.

Credit: NOAA Fisheries

Juno's Calf

The excitement of a new calf was masked by discovering it had a severe boat strike on January 3, 2024. On March 3, 2024 Juno's calf was found dead near Cumberland Island National Seashore in Georgia.

Infinity & Calf

February 12, 2021

This is the story that started us to create Flukes Up for our Silver Project. One of our team members had heard that a North Atlantic right whale was hit by a boat off of the coast of Florida. The whale that was hit was a calf. Our troop was upset and wanted to do something about it. So we have decided to dedicate our silver award to helping the North Atlantic right whale. We want people to become more aware of the marine life around them.

Pilgrim's Calf

Our friend, Joel Cohen, took this beautiful picture under NMFS Research Permit 26562, just days before this 1 year old was killed by a boat strike. Link to Full Video from February 3, 2024 shows a young whale just playing and have the best time of her life in the warmer waters just off Melbourne Beach Florida. February 16, 2024 her body was pulled to shore for a necropsy (autopsy for animals).

Biologists measure the carcass of a North American right whale calf killed in a collision with a boat. Credit: Tucker Joenz/Florida FWC, taken under NOAA permit 18786

A photo of a North Atlantic right whale calf (bottom) and its mother Juno (top) taken in January 2023 before the baby whale's death. PHOTO: NOAA